The walls and floors that make up a single visual unit play an increasing role in design trends. Design elements using a single color, approaching light chromatic tones, give rise to an area suitable for staying focused, while the vibrant color options add extra life to any surface on to which they are applied.
MasterTop WS 300 PU has an integrated mesh into the wall, covering to keep the system at its best under the most demanding humidity and temperature conditions. In industrial areas and other spaces dealing with thermal stress, this system provides a high level of impact resistance.
Make it pristine clean
When it boils down to holistic flooring, the creative use of colors and the uninterrupted connecting the floor with the walls forming a whole and harmonious, visually appealing and particularly functional.
In addition, these holistic assemblies make it easier for users to orient themselves in certain spaces. These advanced polyurethane systems can be adapted to a wide variety of individual requirements.
Aspect unitar, fără îmbinări
Tranziţia de la nivelul pardoselii la pereţi este extrem de importantă, în special în cazul toaletelor şi încăperilor cu un nivel mare de umiditate, acolo unde se acumulează multă umezeală. Între numeroasele cerinţe specifice pentru acest tip de încăperi se află sistemele de pardoseli continue, cu prelungire pe pereţi şi proprietăţi hidroizolante.
MasterTop WS 300 PU is such a system, and it being used seamless flooring. This type of flooring is advantageous for surfaces that require a high standard of hygiene, both on the floor and on the walls.
MasterTop WS 300 PU – holistic, hygienic flooring
System Features
- High impact resistance;
- Waterproof;
- Elastic;
- Resistant to UV rays
- Minimum maintenance costs;
- The possibility to choose a custom design;
- Ideal for renovation work;
- The antibacterial properties prevent the development of bacteria;
- Harmonious appearance for the floor and walls.