The first impression is always important, and this is all the more true when it comes to spaces such as showrooms, shops, receptions or conference rooms. The first impression is like a business card, and it can be a decisive factor in business.
For these reasons, the flooring in these places must be both performing and properly maintained, as well as attractive and pleasant to the eye.
MasterTop 1325
is an elegant flooring system, with sound-absorbing properties and good wear resistance: this is a polyurethane resin based system that perfectly combines quality with comfort: a flexible polyurethane layer gives the floor a light, tough and pleasant feeling when being stepped on.
The MasterTop 1325 system is the suitable choice for comfortable and hygienic flooring, making a significant contribution to making up a pleasant atmosphere.
Thanks to the wall covering that connects without floor joints, you can create a hygienic and waterproof surface especially necessary for areas dealing with humidity levels. Customers can also choose custom decorative motifs for an extra touch of uniqueness and visual appeal.
Perfect flooring
MasterTop 1326 flooring are the key components for interior design with a high comfort level and aesthetic value. This polyurethane resin flooring system stands out in any decor and can be designed to easily incorporate the colors, logo, or specific textures of a company, making it an interesting way to communicate with customers.
MasterTop 1326 is used for flooring that addresses all senses: smooth or slip resistant, and provides a pleasant and comfortable feeling under the feet. In addition, it is a product with long life and high resilience, so it can easily handle a large number of users.
The unique features of MASTERTOP® 1326 allow you to achieve an artistic result that makes your flooring an attractive and absolutely unique design element: MASTERTOP® 1326 combines durability with a rigid, seamless finish, extremely easy to use, and guarantees a high level hygiene standard.
Holistic and unitary design
As specialists in non-joinered flooring systems, we offer customized solutions for any application. Our flooring systems more than suitable to meet the requirements related to functionality, but also allow interior designers an important margin of maneuvre to make a creative contribution.
Our wall covering systems provide a comprehensive solution to connect the floor with walls, without joints, forming unitary, functional and aesthetic surfaces.
MasterTop 1325 – for anti-slip and waterproof industrial floorings
System Features:
- anti-skid propertiers;
- Waterproof, covers cracks;
- Resistant to abrasion;
- Low emissions, in accordance with AgBB requirements;
- Flameproof protection, class Bfl- s1;
- Odorless;
- Resistant to abrasion;
- Variable thickness, suitable for swivel castors;
- Suitable for underfloor heating;
- Life span of up to 50 years.
- soluție fiabilă pentru suprafețele aflate în contact cu solul;
- utilizare versatilă ca finisaj pentru pereți și pardoseli;
- soluţia ideală pentru protejarea camerelor de depozitare.
- Suprafaţă antiderapantă, foarte confortabilă la mers;
- Potrivit pentru încăperile cu forme complexe;
- Curăţare uşoară.
MasterTop 1326 -pentru design personalizat și confortul utilizatorilor
Caracteristicile sistemului
- Răşină poliuretanică;
- Emisii scăzute, în conformitate cu cerinţele AgBB, aprobat în conformitate cu DIBt;
- Protecţie ignifugă clasa Bfl- s1;
- Inodor;
- Culoare care persistă;
- Adecvat pentru sisteme de încălzire prin pardoseală;
- Neted sau rezistent la alunecare;
- Rezistent la abraziune, adecvat pentru roţi pivotante;
- Durată de viaţă până la 50 de ani.
- Spaţii de produţie igienice, fără acumulări de praf;
- Suprafeţe fără îmbinări, uşor de curăţat;
- Adecvat încăperilor cu forme complexe.
- Combinaţii cromatice atractive şi opţiuni pentru design personalizat
- Confortabil la mers; reduce stresul exercitat asupra articulaţiilor
- Curăţare uşoară a suprafeţei fără îmbinări;
- Cheltuieli de întreţinere minime